Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Calling all Crafty People
Anyway -- I'm going to list my themes for each day and if you know of a good craft or activity that would go with each then please let me know!
1 -- Jesus is the Light of the World (John 8:12)
2 -- God said, "Let there be Light" (Gen 1:2)
3 -- Light reminds us of God's presence (Ps 89:15 or PS 27:1 or Ex 13:21)
4 -- We reflect God's Glory (2 Cor 3:18 or Matt 5:16)
5 -- God's Word is Light (Ps 119:105)
6 -- The Rightous Shine (Matt 13:43)
7 -- God's Kingdom of Light (Col 1:12)
8 -- Light reminds us of the World to Come (Rev 21:23)
Also, another idea that I wanted to throw into the mix:
While driving around looking at Christmas lights this year -- I want to give a "Candy Cane" award to houses that particularly bless us. I'm thinking something like a cute note with a candy cane tied to it that we can place on their door. Trouble is -- I can't come up with some cute little poem kind of thing. Any poets out there?
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah,
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Our Thanksgiving
- The Screwtape Letters -- CS Lewis
- The World According to God -- Greg Johnson
- Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free -- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
- Bringing Up Boys -- Dr. James Dobson
- Discipline -- Elisabeth Elliot
- Shadow of the Almighty -- Elisabeth Elliot
- Passion and Purity -- Elisabeth Elliot
- and the Bride Wore White -- Danah Gresh
- The Mission of Motherhood -- Sally Clarkson
- The Holiness of God -- RC Sproul
Oh, and Michael Ann -- I found your Captivating book. Such an awesome book and I'm glad that it wasn't lost forever. I'm going to read it again, too.
I just finished reading Tramp for the Lord by Corrie Ten Boom. I was telling my friend, Vicki (who has been so awesome to mentor me this last year) and she shared how they had a private tour through the house/shop while they were serving in Europe and showed me a pocket watch that they had purchased from the shop. Wow! Maybe someday I'll get to go there, too. I love Corrie Ten Boom like I love Elisabeth Elliot (Chloe's middle name is Elisabeth if that is any indication.)
Love you!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Quote of the Morning

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Update on the Brown Kiddos
Mikaela wakes up each day happy -- and she's so excited if it's a school day. She has always made friends easily but has developed a "friendship" with a boy named John. Apparently, John likes a certain shirt that Mikaela wears and I have to really watch her so that she doesn't take it out of the dirty clothes hamper. She's still gets in our bed each night but we love it -- that's why we bought a king-size bed. Some day she'll stay in her own bed, so for now we're going to enjoy the snuggles. We went camping about a week ago. We went with some friends and celebrated our first Feast of Tabernacles. We had so much fun! There were lots of Christians there and obviously Jewish people. Mikaela told me the other day that she didn't realize that Yeshua was a real person. Yeshua is the Hebrew word for Jesus and we use them pretty interchangeably around here. I was starting to be impressed that our trip had such an effect on her. When I questioned her further, she said that she had seen him when we were camping. Really? She then described a man with a beard, small hat on his head, and a thing over his shoulders. Ha, Ha -- that could have been 1/3 of the men there! So sweet. We're going to have to talk a little more about Yeshua and Jesus.
Luke has finally settled down with the potty words. Seriously, he would find a way to work "booty" into every sentence -- whether it fit or not. We tried to replace it with "buzz" but it didn't quite work the same for him. He's pretty much given up naps -- ugh! And has decided that he will be the pickiest eater around. He would live on peanut butter if he could (Jason loves peanut butter, too. Must run in the family.) I had enough last night and forced all of them to eat the homemade chicken-noodle soup. You would have thought he was dying! I don't see the issue -- he likes chicken and he likes noodles. But he wouldn't do it. I made him have it for breakfast and he still wouldn't budge. He got a regular lunch only 'cause it was a school day and then he got it again for snack (nope!) and supper again. Finally, he ate a few pieces of chicken. I can't decide if I'll let that count or not.
Chloe is big! She's fitting into her 18 month outfits VERY nicely -- she just turned one! All of my other children weighed 18 lbs. at one year but Chloe weighed 21 lbs. She uses three words -- mama, dada, and snack (how appropriate.) Oh, and she "signs" for snack, too. Just in case you didn't get it the first time. The rest of the time she just screams -- usually at Luke or Mikaela (they love to smother her.) I think her next word might be "stop." She's not interested in walking. At childcare they said that she needs to wear shoes -- my response, "Why? So she can ruin the top of them?" She'll walk if you hold her hands and force her. I have noticed her letting go of things a little and standing on her own -- so I'm not worried. In her own time (as long as it's not too much longer.) Oh, one more thing -- we've been singing "God, Our Father" for our prayer at dinner and she can "sing" the tune. Pretty neat. She's a reader -- like all my children. That's a good thing.
We love you all and hope to hear from you.
Many blessings,
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
I Hate Fundraisers!
Oh, and if you're in the mood for a magazine subscription then she's selling those, too. I'm starting to think that private schools are worse than the public ones!
Love to you all!
Friday, October 10, 2008
He is always with us
19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,
20 teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."
i had to share what happened to me this week at my job with UPS. It is no secret that i battle depression and when it creeps in, i feel like curling up in the fetal position and dying. The pain i have experienced while working 70 hours at two jobs and only sleeping 4-5 hours a day has been enough to take me out and i have a high tolerance for pain. Okay, enough about me because my lovely wife says that i write too long and it is too much of a theological treatise for our intended audience.
Long story short, Christ manifested to me the verse above (20) the other day as i was loading package cars. i was depressed and feeling like i wanted to quit the world when i see a white sticker stuck to the belt that moves our packages down to us for loading. On the sticker was handwritten, "Jesus Luv U". i know not of any believers on the side of the belt i was working on and only those workers and myself have access to the belt and could have placed that sticker there. It was perfectly placed where you could read it like you were going to grab a package off of the belt.
Freaked me out! It was one of those where you think about it for a why and the weight of it crushes you. "Lo I (the I AM) is with you always, even to the end of the age." Yes, LORD this true; you made that apparent clear to me the other day and saved me from the depths of my depression and sinfulness that causes it. May His name ever be praised and bring on the Sabbath Rest.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Killer Parakeets
Today we dropped Abigail and Mikaela off at school and Luke, Chloe, and I went to the zoo. We went to the parakeet cage first. You can walk in and the birds will land on you -- especially if you buy the $1 stick of birdseed. Usually we get there late and the birds could care less about us. So today we were going to beat everyone. We managed to get there first and the birds saw us coming. They were flying to the side of the cage while we were still outside parking the stroller. This should have been a sign. We bought our stick of food and I walked in first and Luke was supposed to follow me in. I managed to get in but as Luke tried to come in (holding the food) the birds swarmed him and landed on the stick (and his arm.) He screamed and dropped the stick (I cannot express how loud the scream was!) The rest of the birds saw their chance and went for the stick. There were at least 40 birds on the ground between Luke and me -- I couldn't get to him if I had wanted to (at least not without damaging any parakeets.) By the time I got him to step back (he wasn't coming in!) and closed the doors several birds had escaped -- they walked right out! (they did catch them and return them.) He finally got brave enough to come in but never got close to any birds. Chloe, on the other hand, loved the birds! She did her best to grab them but was, thankfully, unsuccessful.
I laugh each time I think of it.
Love to you all!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
First Impressions

Saturday, September 13, 2008
New Church
So rejoice and sing for the Lord is good!
Love to you all,
Abigial's New School
On Thursday, Jason's mother (Gram) called and I was sharing about Abigail's days at school. She's a teacher, too -- so she understands. Anyway, Gram volunteered to pay for Abigial to go to another school (both for safety and academic reasons.) *this is kind of sweet because when Jason was little his grandmother paid for him to attend a private school as well. So, Sherri is following in great footsteps* I was very excited about the possiblilies but doubted I would be able to find a (good) school that would have a spot open at this time of the year or that would be willing to accept a new second grader into their program.
I called, researched, and asked for recomendations. . .(did I mention lots of prayer!) No place was open. I kept hearing about one school and one of the teachers at my school suggested that I just walk in and talk to them. I did and Abigail will be starting at St. Paul Lutheran School on Monday! A girl had just left and they had one spot -- Abigail's name even fits in alphabetically on the class list! I could go on and on about how wonderful this school iS but I'll let you read the website for yourself: http://school.stpaulfw.com/index.php
Another perk of the school is that it is only blocks away from The First Presbyterian Church where I teach pre-school.
I am most amazed at how genuinely nice everyone was -- very peaceful. They had some gently worn uniforms that we were able to get so she is all set for Monday. (I'll try to get picture for everyone -- maybe Monday.) I took Abigial up there to see things and meet her new classmates and when we left she said that she "just couldn't make her mouth stop smiling."
We know that God has totally paved the road for Abigail to be at this school. There were too many obstacles for it to have happened any other way. So quickly, too -- I talked to Gram on Thursday night and by Friday at noon she was set -- unheard of! Abigail told me this morning that she knows that God has done this for her and that now she knows that He is really real.
My heart is so full and I feel like I just want to give God a big hug and never let go.
Love to you all!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tired But Blessed Beyond Measure
i say that i am blessed beyond measure because everyday when i look at my beautiful bride and our amazing children i am humbled by my true unworthiness of such a blessing. Not false, superficial feelings, but revelational truth of my sinfulness and God's amazing outlandish love for sinners. It has caused me to ponder how much i and anybody really knows about Yeshua and His Father.
The questions have been running through my head:
Why does the present day church not look like the disciples?
Why do we not eat with sinners, prostitutes, and tax collectors as Christ did?
Why have we made up rules which Christ never gave to us?
And why have we forsaken the rules He has given us for a more comfortable life of faith from our own personal perspective and not the Bible?
mickie and i have been reading a book by mark driscoll called The Radical Reformission and it has rocked us to our core. we have both been appalled by the closeness and unprofessional way in which pastor driscoll speaks about Christ and at the same time we see the intimacy it would take to treat Christ like your friend as He says that He is. i must agree that the gospels are scandalous when you look at them closely without present-day blinders on.
How can we been in the world but not of it if we remove ourselves from the world whether physically or by unmentioned sanction of certain people? Is the Holy Spirit not powerful enough to allow us to dig deep into the unsaved person's life and connect to their core for the purpose of leading them toward the answer to their deepest longings for significance? Why are we not infiltrating the camp of the unsaved for the purpose of redeeming it for Christ?
we are Free!............. we are Free!
We are free to live radically and go therefore making disciples in all situations, not just in church or at revivals. We have power to go behind enemy lines and take back what is God's creation turned evil; a human soul with a tarnished image of God.
Enough preaching though. we love each and every one of you who have supported us and read this blog. we miss you all dearly and pray that God prosper you ministries no matter what the shape. i will get mickie to write next time so you do not have to listened to me preaching. Shalom and may the Ancient of Days bless you socks off!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
The Shack Attack
i am not sure where all the confusion is coming from and maybe i am being to simple, but this book is simply not worth entertaining. The formula for truth is such: 1) Take anything you encounter and weigh it against Scripture 2) If it does not agree, THROW IT OUT!!!
Don't fill your mind with worthless material that does not honor God nor make room for God to make you more like Yeshua. This i a war, not a rehearsal and our time is something we do not get back. The enemy wants you dead and he will stop at nothing to get you off track.
Deuteronomy 28:11-15
11 "The LORD will make you abound in prosperity, in the offspring of your body and in the offspring of your beast and in the produce of your ground, in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers to give you.
12 "The LORD will open for you His good storehouse, the heavens, to give rain to your land in its season and to bless all the work of your hand; and you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.
13 "The LORD will make you the head and not the tail, and you only will be above, and you will not be underneath, if you listen to the commandments of the LORD your God, which I charge you today, to observe them carefully,
14and do not turn aside from any of the words which I command you today, to the right or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them.
Consequences of Disobedience
15 "But it shall come about, if you do not obey the LORD your God, to observe to do all His commandments and His statutes with which I charge you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you:
This book offers nothing in the way of helping you obey all that God has commanded us. God is not a self-explaining black woman. He is Spirit and no man has seen the living God except in the person of Yeshua who is the radiance and exact nature of God (Hebrews 1). He offers no explanation for His ways because they are higher than ours (Isaiah 55) Allegory of the likes of C.S. Lewis (which does not alter Scripture or expound on it unnecessarily) is one thing, but this book pretentiously places characteristics on the Trinity that they themselves have not allowed for in the Bible.
What saddens me is that i feel the people who are being duped by this book are the very ones who know very little about THE BOOK (Bible). When you have Scripture hidden in your heart and are seeking to obey and align yourself with the will of God, His word is your only ally and protection against the lies of the world. Scripture is very clear about what happens to those who lack the knowledge of God's word:
Hosea 4:5-7
5 So you will stumble by day,
And the prophet also will stumble with you by night;
And I will destroy your mother.
6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge
Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also will reject you from being My priest
Since you have forgotten the law of your God,
I also will forget your children.
7 The more they multiplied, the more they sinned against Me;
I will change their glory into shame.
This passage deals with false prophets and God's people who are lead astray because they did not remember the commandments of God. God loves all His creation, but not all of His creation are loved as sons and daughters of the King. God is not a universalist and not all will be saved. Not my words, but from His word.
You must hear and obey like Abraham because he is the father of all who are of the faith (Romans 4). The way of salvation started in Genesis:
1) God intervened into Abraham's life (see Ephesians 2 for our story)
2) Abraham heard God's voice and believed (Genesis 15:6)
3) Abraham obeyed and left his homeland for somewhere he had never been (Matthew 28:18-20; pay attention to verse 20 for the obedience part)
Wheewww! That was a keyboard full and i won't bore ya'll any longer. Bottom line is that "The Shack" is a dangerous book for those not versed in Scripture and not something unexpected in these last days when men will want their ears tickled rather than hearing truth (2 Timothy 4:3). Test everything and you will be fine.
On a lighter note: the third job i am getting is as the Religious Director of Education for the Naval Air Station here in Fort Worth. Sweet! i get to work in the chapel and hag out with chaplains. The kids are doing great and getting so big. Pray that God grants us the strength to prepare them to stand in the gap for the dark days ahead. God bless and shalom!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Short Update
We are still look for a church home so pray that God will guide us where He would see fit to use us or let us rest at. We had a great visit with Michelle when she returned from Zambia and got to see God working in Stephen's life as he talked non-stop about what God was doing in Zambia. i told Michelle that he had never talked to me that much before. It was very exciting to see the passion in him.

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Turbo Greek is not for wimps
i think our entire family is learning what it means to go and take nothing with, not even an extra tunic.
Mark 6:7-9
7 And He summoned the twelve and began to send them out in pairs, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits;
8 and He instructed them that they should take nothing for their journey, except a mere staff--no bread, no bag, no money in their belt--
9 but to wear sandals; and He added, "Do not put on two tunics."
The LORD provides our daily bread:
Matthew 6:11
11 'Give us this day our daily bread.
i have heard it said that He provides just enough for us to not be tempted to steal to eat and not more than we need so that we do not forget the LORD as the nation of Israel did when they were prosperous (unfortunately, we forget the LORD also when things are well and remember Him when times are hard). Thank God that He is merciful and loves us as a Father would.
Here are some new pics:

Monday, May 26, 2008
The Sound in All of Us
It’s like you got to walk like him
Got to talk like her
Got to be like them
Everybody knows you follow the crowd
Or get singled out
But God says who you are
Not the world or movie stars
Don’t you know He holds the answers in His hands?
We’re stuck in a system
Is there anybody different?
Is anybody listening?
Is anybody listening?
Everyone has their own sound
Let it out now, let it out now
There’s nothing wrong with living loud
Let it out now, let it out now
I’m drawing the line between
Being them or being me
I’m not ashamed
To call myself one of Yours, Lord
But it’s a narrow path
I’ve got to break from the pack
No turning back
No turning back
Yes, God’s looking for a people
With a passion in their hearts
We’re God’s children
We need to shine bright
We need to shine bright
Everyone has their own sound
Don’t you know all
God’s children have their sound?
What a beautifully contradictory idea to what we are taught in Christianity today; that we all have to look alike and follow the same rules if we want to please God. Only one problem: that idea is not in the Bible. No where does God create robots that worship the same and serve in the same manner. Each of us has a unique fingerprint of God on our lives. Many think they have to be in the ministry to be spiritual or only pastors are close to God because of their calling or training. A pastor just sings one of the notes in this symphony to God called the Body of Christ.
Each is to serve in their unique individual giftedness and make beautiful music to our King. If you have not read it already, read "90 Minutes in Heaven" by Don Piper. Pay attention to the music he hears while in heaven. A symphony of uniqueness yet harmonizing in praise of Elohim.
Let your song out
Let it out now!
Let it out now!
Here's the You Tube Acoutic version of "Let it Out Now" by Leeland:
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Psalms 66:1-2 . . .
Anyway, for starters . . . someone (and you know who you are -- thank you!!!) bought us a new mini-van!!!! Did you read that correctly? Yes, someone (anonymously) bought us a mini-van! For those of you that don't know, we lost our Odyssey because we were not able to make the payments -- BIG, HUGE, humbling experience! Anyway, we were making due with Jason's car and hanging around the apartment a lot. Jason mentioned this to one of his professors and he gave him a suburban that we all lovingly call "Joseph" 'cause it is the suburban of many colors. I was so grateful to have it and was determined that we were going to do something memorable in it (although driving with the windows down - no AC - and having stuff blow all over you and the children is pretty memorable. . .) It's just the way things were and I wasn't going to grumble. I was happy. THEN, what seemed to be a random, rainy, Monday afternoon I got The call. I was only half-way listening to a girl that said her name was Shanna. I was waiting for her to get through what I assumed was her sales pitch when I started picking up on parts of what she was saying. It went something like, "You don't know me but we have a mutual friend and this friend has just bought you a mini-van." Excuse me?!!! After she repeated herself (laughing -- can you imagine how much fun this must have been for her!) and gave me the name and phone number of a guy at a dealership. I figured out that we really had a van -- wow! Are you getting this?? I'm still jumping out of my skin -- God bought us a van!!!! It may not seem like much to you but I'm just amazed that the God of the Universe saw fit to give us a van! I mean, really -- He tells the stars what to do and here He is thinking about getting my children to the grocery store and church and the park . . . I had wheels -- Joseph's wheels were old but they moved and I was grateful. Case closed -- or so I thought. No, the God we worship didn't just give us basic wheels -- He gave us a van with AC and cruise control, a gas-gauge that worked . . . . Our God is extravagant. I was already feeling pretty loved but now I'm just in "Wow!" mode. Are you saying "Wow" with me? I mean, really -- Praise our God -- He is Amazing.
Here's a kicker -- my kids were like, "hum -- cool, a van." Don't get me wrong they really liked it but they weren't turning cartwheels the way I was (or at least I was in my heart -- I never did learn how to those things.) Finally, a day or so later, Abigail said something about this van going away, too. That's when it hit me. She was too afraid to get excited about our nice van 'cause she was afraid it would be gone, too. I had tried to explain the first day that this was ours and that someone else had bought it for us but apparently it didn't sink in. Poor baby! I told her, again, "No -- all the payments have been made on this van for us. We did nothing to earn it but it's ours and can never be taken away." Finally, she got it and her smile was beautiful. You could see the relief and, at last, the excitement. Then we had a wonderful talk about how Christ purchased us on the cross and how we don't deserve salvation or being allowed in the presence of God but that Christ made all the payments for our sin and it can never be taken away. Wow, such peace. Someday, when Christ calls her name, maybe she'll remember. Right now, it's so beautiful to see how He's laying out the path for her to follow.
So, are you wondering what happened to "Joseph?" Well, I was talking to a group of neighbors trying to find someone that could use some dishes that had been given to me (thinking I could find someone that could use them.) I mentioned them to one women and she said no. Then, without even thinking, I said, "Well, do you need a car?" This is such a God-thing! She started crying and told me that when they had their next baby in August that they would no longer have a vehicle large enough for their family and they just didn't know what to do about it. Her husband later told me he had only told God of their need and was just amazed at His answer to their prayer. We decided that someday we would be in the position of having to tell others that God can be trusted and to encourage others to know that He is alive and active. If we had not experienced this for ourselves then it would just be theology. But, we have -- and we KNOW.
Well, I guess since Jason has finally got me writing on this blog that I will have to continue (later.) This is only the tip of the ice-burg (although, a large tip) at what God has been doing since we've been here. I'm still just as convinced as when we got here that this is where God wants us. He's such a great encourager -- and creative, too. Who would have guessed a van?
Love to you all!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
She is already 16 pounds and has cut her first tooth at 7 months. The other three did not reach 17 pounds until they were a year old. And they did not cut their teeth until about that time also. She is shaping up nicely to be able to defend herself from her siblings.
Here are some updated pics:
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Home Stretch
God is ruining our dependence on finances and i believe He is doing it on purpose and with a future purpose in mind. mickie and i have always been poor to some degree all of our thirteen years together, but we are hitting an all time low. Now please don't misunderstand; we are not poor at all compared to the world, so i mean lack of money only. It would be ridiculous to not recognize how overwhelmingly blessed we have been in all areas aside from finances. Praise be to God cause His ways are higher than our ways!
We are blessed in what i consider to be the things that really matter:
1) Children
Psalm 127:3-5
3 Behold, children are a gift of the LORD,
The fruit of the womb is a reward.
4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior,
So are the children of one's youth.
5 How blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them;
They will not be ashamed
When they speak with their enemies in the gate.
2) My Beautiful Spouse (i am not speaking for mickie causes the LORD knows i ain't beautiful!!!)
Proverbs 18:22
22 He who finds a wife finds what is good
and receives favor from the LORD.
Proverbs 12:4
4 An excellent wife is the crown of her husband,
But she who shames him is like rottenness in his bones.
3) Most important is a growing relationship with Yeshua our Messiah
Philippians 3:7-9
7 But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ.
8 More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ,
9 and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from God on the basis of faith,
O' LORD let that be my aim today, tomorrow and forever; to forsake all things for the surpassing greatness of knowing You. Let me never grow distraught for not having the things that the world seeks after. But instead let me remember what is important to Your heart. May You be glorified in all we endeavour to do and say. By the blood of Yeshua in the power of the Spirit and for the Glory of the Father, Amayn.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Heavy thoughts needing rest
It is strange to think that we have been parents for six years now and i wonder where the time went. It is as if time doubled or even tripled in speed once we had children. Years go by like days and yet i can recall less about the past than i would like to. i was listening to a derek webb cd, "The Ringing Bell" today on my way home and was hit full force by a fact that our lives if not lived for the right reasons are a waste.
He sings: "They say we are just trying to stay alive, but it looks more like a way to die." i wonder how much our lives look like this? i started to think that just "existing" is really just a miserable way to die while living. No chance of going in reverse during this life. Yesterday is gone, today is here, and tomorrow has enough trouble on its own. This world is full of people finding different ways to die. They die with toys, houses, money, fame, acceptance, being right, feelings, and a whole host of facades.
May we never settle for "existence", but push onward into the upward calling of Christ. Tomorrow do not just exist, but live. And life is only found in Yeshua because He came to give us life and life abundant. Not existence, but life!
The worse thing would be to get to the end of your life and find out you missed it; you missed the point of God forming you in your mother's womb, counting the hairs on your hand, and breathing His breath in you so that you could glorify Him through a relationship with Him. Life is only found in God and anything else is just another way to die.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Well needed time off

Saturday, March 1, 2008
We love cause He loved us
9 The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed,
a stronghold in times of trouble.
10 Those who know your name will trust in you,
for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.
11 Sing praises to the LORD, enthroned in Zion;
proclaim among the nations what he has done.
As i was driving to work today, i was listening to Matt Redman's song God of our Yesterdays and he has a bridge where he quotes this Psalm about how we can trust God cause we know His name. We can trust Him because He is faithful when all are not. We can trust Him because He has been, is , and will forever be.
Praise be to Elohim, the mighty, mighty God of all the nations; the unwavering giver of good and the Father of Lights. You are worthy O' LORD of our Fathers and their sons and daughters. You are worthy of our days, minutes, and seconds. Every breath should utter praise to You.
Have you ever felt the love of God so strong that you are compelled to share as if you would burst if you did not? Today was one of those days. i know what John meant when he wrote that we love because He first loved us. Man, what an overwhelming feeling God's love is when it comes on you like a breaking wave. When we are with Him for eternity, how amazing it will be to drink in His love, shaken, pressed down, and over flowing the measure.
It has not been a particularly spiritual time for our family as my work duties have increased and my time at home has diminished. Seminary is a day to day struggle and one day is never like the next.
Our kids are amazing! My bride is amazing! Abigail has learned how to read and she is devouring her kids Bible. Praise God for His mercy in extending grace to her six year old body. The kids absolutely love Shabbat and they get very serious when the blessings are done. mickie says it is funny to watch them dance around when Shabbat Shalom is playing. They love the Challah bread and the Grape Juice that symbolize communion and the bread and wine or Christ.
What an amazing blessing Shabbat has been. my family has been learning so much from Torah and to see them taking joy in celebrating communion as such a young age is joy. Yeshua said:
Matthew 18:2-4
2 And He called a child to Himself and set him before them,
3 and said, "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.
4 "Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Yeshua says that whoever humbles himself like this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom. What did that child do? What exactly was Yeshua praising this child for? i wonder if it was not his complete trust in Yeshua? Maybe he had never even met our LORD before and here Yeshua was beckoning him to come forth and be a part of a teaching for the generations. i imagine that the child without hesitation walked into Yeshua's loving arms. That is what we must do to be the greatest in the kingdom of heaven; walk in faith into the loving arms of Christ.
i pray that my family walks in faith right into the loving arms of Christ. Father, i ask for mercy and grace to lead my family into the loving arms of Your Son. i pray that same blessing for all that we know and love. May you grant them grace and faith. Father use us to bless Your name. Here we are LORD, send us!!!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Blessings over Daughters
we are excited about this weekend because mickie's youngest brother sean is going to attend The Village with us and he is not an attender of church. we believe him to be a believer, he just has not found a church home as he is going to school at North Texas. he said it will give him something to look forward to each week, so we are stoked.
What a blessing i received this evening as i put my daughters to bed. grandpa and grandma came and bought them separate twin Ikea beds and so praying with them has become an Olympic event hopping from one bed to the next. i prayed with one and then prayed with the other. After that i stood in the middle and raised my hands to pronounce a blessing on them and my oldest moves forward so that my hand would be on her head. Incredible! we have been observing Sabbath and there is a blessing for the daughters in which the father lays hands on them and pronounces a blessing or rather sings it, but to see it sinking in and her eagerness to receive the blessing of her father almost brought me to tears.
Time has been a scarcity in our house and i do not really get to see my family during the week which has been hard. It is a season and not forever. Seminary is getting better and i see everyday that God brought me here to minister to the future Pastors of the world as i have been engaged in many conversations. The spiritual climate here is very warm and it has taken some getting used to coming from Austin. From Office Depot and Sonic, to Starbucks everybody loves that you follow Yeshua. They openly talk about it and engage you about it.
Ba-ruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha-olam, asher na-tahn lanoo et deh-rech ha-ya-shoo-ah b'Meh-shee-ach Yeshua.
Blessed are You, O Lord our God, King of the Universe, who has given us the way of salvation in Messiah Yeshua.
Monday, February 11, 2008
we found a church, YEAH!!!!
mickie seems to be holding up great. she is a rock of faith amidst our financial storm and she serves to bolster my strength more than she probably is aware of. she is calm when i am freaking out and she helps to align my thoughts when i am like a cat trying to avoid falling into the barrel.
The children are settling in, but my being away has made them more restless and when i am home, they are like spider monkeys on a small tree if you know what i mean? they cling to me for dear life afraid that i might leave again. we know that it is just a season and we will be silent and trust in YHVH.
we have been praying and fretting over finding a church home and the LORD was gracious to answer us this week. we had considered going to The Village Church, but worried about it not being a Baptist Church. The Seminary only gives me a break on tution as long as i attend a Baptist church. So we had pretty much written off The Village until i started to look over their website and found out that they are what i would call a "Reformed Baptist" church; one that started out Baptist, First Baptist Highland Village to be exact, and then re-wrote their constitution and by-laws as well as changed their name. All the while, keeping their relationship with the SBC. SWEEEEETTTTTTT!!!!!!! Open up mouth cause here comes cake and i am a eaten too. Incredible sermon last weekend and good music. Matt Chandler, who reminds me of Matt Carter, even mentioned Torah several times in his sermon. The families' soul was fed well.
Psalm 34:1-3
1 I will bless the LORD at all times;
His praise shall continually be in my mouth.
2 My soul will make its boast in the LORD;
The humble will hear it and rejoice.
3 O magnify the LORD with me,
And let us exalt His name together.
Monday, January 28, 2008
One Month Anniversary
Lo and behold, we have not found a church home yet and i can honestly say that now we see just how much Austin Stone rocked the house. The contemporary services up here are more like hymns on crack rather than screaming guitars and hearts on fire for Jesus. we were treated to a God-honoring, but horrendous rendition of Tomlin's song "How can I keep from Singing". Imagine that song done in high-speed opera style. Don't get me wrong, those ladies were worshiping; this i know for sure. i am just not sure they intended for us to join in. All kidding aside, we miss our Stone family and how we rock it out. we are praying for a church home and it has definitely been a burden for me given that i have been sufficiently inundated with Baptist thinking, God love em.
Seminary has been difficult. Kind of how i thought it would be, but i did not expect it to be this painful. Can't wait to see what God has planned because with pain comes spiritual growth so we take joy. The hardest part has been the theological ideas that are being taught however unintentional they may be. i am just not one for titles and especially denominational titles. we are Christians,followers of Christ, no Baptists, Catholics, Methodists, etc.
Okay enough ranting. The kids and mickie are doing well. It stays pretty busy here, but mickie has found a great Bible study she can attend with her sister (i am really excited that they get to spend time together). abigail told me that she studies a piece of Scripture every night before she goes to sleep. she is doing phenomenal with her reading and it will shortly be time to start memorizing Scripture. i told her that we are going to work on memorizing The Shema together. The Shema is thus:
Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Deuteronomy 11:13-21
Numbers 15:37-41
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
YHVH; a God of Compassion and Provision
12 Do not deliver me over to the desire of my adversaries,
For false witnesses have risen against me,
And such as breathe out violence.
13 I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD
In the land of the living.
14 Wait for the LORD;
Be strong and let your heart take courage;
Yes, wait for the LORD.
Wow! Does King David nail it or what? This Psalm of his speaks to our experience this week and God's gracious provision in the lives of the Brown Family. We moved here in faith and that belief in God's provision has not wavered...until yesterday as i registered for Seminary classes. One by one came the questions: Do i sign up for full time or just the amount i need to keep our apartment, six hours? i need full time to be a Chaplain candidate, but how am i going to pay for it? When are they going to call me so that i can start my job and get some income coming in? Have i made a mistake and not been a good steward and if so how am i going to clean up what i have done? Will we end up on the streets? What else can i do, second job, student loan, giving plasma, etc? Why am i sounding so afraid in my thoughts?
i apologize for taking you all on a journey through my though process, but it is necessary to see that we all get scared even when we are sure of God's call. i am but a man and i get afraid and any man who chooses to follow God that says he does not is a liar. Okay, so sorry for the rambling, bu not sorry for the transparency; i pray it encourages someone.
So i get my bill for my classes and it is $1942.00 + cost of books. i sign up for the FACTS program which allows me to pay for it in increments. So first monies that will be due is a payment of $485 on February 5th. No problem, i start my job soon and income will be flowing. Never mind that we have only enough money in the bank for rent and some groceries. i am registering in faith or folly depending on how you look at it. i wait and no call from Office Depot on Friday last week, no call Monday, and so i call yesterday. Turns out my background check is taking longer than usual. Think the enemy is not working?
He wants to destroy my faith that God will equip the called. he was doing a heck of job yesterday, but God, always faithful God answered him with a "not this time sucker!" i spent the afternoon exhausting myself online looking for ways to pay for the just the first payment coming up. i guess i felt like that is what a good steward does; do all he can and trust God to make it happen. i was awaiting a call from Matt Carter at the Austin Stone as i had contacted him about supporting me while i was in Seminary. He had not said whether they we going to or not and yesterday was the day to find out.
Long story short, The Stone felt lead to pay for my first semester and all the books i would need for that semester. As i looked for Scripture that spoke of waiting on the LORD, i found this passage in Isaiah. i think it is fitting.
Isaiah 30:18-19
18 Therefore the LORD longs to be gracious to you,
And therefore He waits on high to have compassion on you
For the LORD is a God of justice;
How blessed are all those who long for Him.
19 O people in Zion, inhabitant in Jerusalem, you will weep no longer He will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry; when He hears it, He will answer you.
Oh how our God longs to be gracious to His children. How our Father longs to answer us as i long to answer the cry of my children. It says that He waits on high to have compassion on us. HE WAITS ON HIGH TO HAVE COMPASSION ON US!!! Amazing! Last time i checked, we all could use compassion.
1 Chronicles 16:25
25 For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised;
He also is to be feared above all gods.
Psalm 48:1
1 Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised,
In the city of our God, His holy mountain.
We praise you Adonai LORD God Almighty! We cry Abba Father and we hymn the Father, Son, and Spirit. You are a great God and worthy to be praised above all else. we lay our lives down for your purpose and pleasure.
Amen and Amen!!!