About 7:00am this morning Luke was eating candy corn (ugh!) I was just about to get on to him when he said, "It's tasty in my mouth." Cute, so I left him alone. This afternoon we were at the mall where we were trying (unsuccessfully) to get Abigail some shoes. I shared some of Chloe's goldfish with Luke and he broke out in a full dance. He said, "Eating a goldfish makes me want to dance." Another cute one -- especially if you had seen how elaborate his dance was. He's enjoying some junk food today (his favorite.)
I'm putting a picture of Chloe up for Aunt Ashley. She sent Chloe this outfit for her birthday and I wanted to let her see how she looks in it. I know how to put a picture here but not how to do it in an e-mail. So, here she is -- so sweet! Thank you, Aunt Ashley.
It is sooo cute on her.. I love her little ponytail!! And Luke how funny are his comments, such a sweet boy.
She looks like BamBam, betcha' she can hold her own with Luke! He'll learn to be a charmer with his comments! He's practicing on his mama now, later he'll be practicing on his teachers!! Of course I think he'd adorable anyway!!
Chloe's hair is so cute - IF Max could put his in a pony tail - it would look exactly like Chloe's. Where did that straight hair come from. Whitehorn???
Dear Mickie,
Thanks for the blog comment !
I've been pretty lax with keeping up with y'alls...it is good to catch up ! Everyone looks good, the kids are so cute !
I think of you (and pray) often. I hope things are going well. I can't imagine how hard it is to be a mother of four. There is a lady I see at Mass often with a bunch of children (I'm not sure how many--4 ? 5 ?) She always reminds me of you. And one of the little girls looks just like Mikaela !
I'm at home in VA with my family for the holiday...hope y'all have a blessed one !
My best to everyone. Grace & Peace ~
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