Thursday, May 21, 2009

Wee Praise

Abigail had her end of year school performance today -- it's PK-2 (Wee Praise.) We watched it this morning and then we went back for the evening service. It was awesome. They were so cute that I had tears from laughing. It was nice to witness their focus on glorifying God -- both in prayers and song. It made me thankful, again, that Abigail goes to school there. I was struck by the confidence of the children -- every one of them really sang (and danced) out -- wish everyone could have seen the first grade boys playing the blues on their guitar hero guitars. You will see that Abigail was particularly "feeling" it and not the least bit self-conscience. Maybe song is her strength. Regardless, she'll probably be like Jason -- he feels worship most strongly through song (we should have bought stock in i-tunes.) Even as a baby she would stop throwing a fit long enough to dance. Love, love, love this girl!


1literatimommy said...

Way to Go Abigail!

bettysue said...

Oh my, was that not precious!! Absolutely adorable! That girl's got rythm!! I bet she ends up being a cheerleader like her mom!! Way to go Abigail!

bettysue said...

I just watched it again, just a precious child! How much fun to watch!