Monday, January 7, 2008

Abigail starts school

So we registered Abigail for school today and she will start tomorrow. She is excited and nervous at the same time as can be expected from a six year old. She seems years ahead of her age when she talks and how she thinks, but she is still my baby and having to endure life as we all do. One of the toughest things for a parent is to watch your children agonize over things you remember. The world seems so big and problems insurmountable at six years old. She is quite the fashion queen and has been able to express her inner runway model until now (Fort Worth School District has uniforms). Breaking it to her went well and we have met minimal resistance with the change over. She even seemed kind of excited about it before bed. She has a friend in our apartment complex that is seven and she goes to the same school. i think that will help ease her fears about wearing the uniform.

Our neighbors have been very welcoming; they come over regularly and one even brought chicken soup over for Mickie because she has been sick for the past couple of days. i have had some wonderful conversations with our German neighbor, Rav. He is Mennonite ( and finishing his PH.D. here because in Germany you can work years on a PH.D. and then have a couple of unbelievers on the board that will fail you if you say that the entire Bible is the word of God. So consequently, Rav told me, a lot of German men come here to get their higher education where they can express their belief in the whole Bible as the infallible word of God. He has a very gentile spirit and does not seem to mind my propensity towards verbal diarrhea. Meaning he lets me talk more than he should. i would do good to let his humility rub off on me.

Anyways, Mickie seems to be feeling better even though her stomach is still a little tender. i think she got a light case of food poisoning which i may have avoided because on the night she got sick, i partook of some Kosher wine that is strong enough to kill even the meanest food poisoning. And y'all thought Jesus was crazy for turning water into wine and Paul a madman to suggest that Timothy have some wine for his stomach. Mikaela has been a bit of a wort to her siblings as she is reacting to the move with sneakiness and thievery. Luke is wonderful as always and is about the sweetest little boy i know, no bias intended. He is my little man and i have so much anxiety for him and all my children for that matter because of the life i lived before Yeshua called me a child of light.

The world and primarily the one in power over it(the devil) will give a run at killing your spirit before you get started. All the dreams crushed and relationships destroyed. If i could spare them the pain, but i know that pain builds character and puts us in situations where get the opportunity to become like Yeshua. We get to put His character on and become like Him so that we can see the Father as He is. My fingers are tired and i hope i didn't burn up too much of your retinal life. Shalom!

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