Well, we finally got some well-needed family time this weekend. i scored a three day weekend and enjoyed many naps with Luke and baby Chloe. Today was great as Abigail excelled in playing catch with a football. She even got hit in the face and it didn't phase her. Momma was proud as she is extremely scared of catching a ball in the face and thus avoids all such games. We enjoyed some evening wrestle time and if you have not played horse with three children on your back, you have not lived. Going to see the chiropractor soon!!
Church at the village is great and we are looking to join a small group or start one for those that commute from Fort Worth. After that we are going to join the Village as Covenant Partners. The kids are looking forward to seeing their Gram and Pops this weekend and Abigail is jazzed about looking for fossils as she will be spending some time in Austin with her grandparents. I am going to try and make Jame's confirmation the following weekend. And if i am correct, he and some others are planning to join us here to celebrate the Passover Seder in April.
Here are some new pictures of the kids: