For some crazy reason I got the idea that I should sign the girls up for soccer. I asked them if they would be interested and they said yes and then Luke said he wanted to also. So, they all signed up through the 'Y.' The only thing I worried about was being able to see all of their games -- I thought they might schedule them at the same time or something. Never occurred to me to think about practices. Games turned out not to be a problem -- but they did schedule all of them with practices at the same time on the same day but at three different places. Crazy!!! It turns out that Mikaela will have two practices a week so she will be able to skip one but I still have Luke and Abigail to figure out. My sister has agreed to help me. Her kids have their practices on Tuesday -- so it worked out.
Last week was the first game. It was so much fun to watch them out there.
Luke ran right onto the field like a champ but ended up standing there for most of the game. His coach would take him by the hand and run him down the field, put him in front of the ball, and sometimes he would kick it. Every once in a while he would chase the pack. I took some pictures but Jason said it doesn't really portray what happened 'cause it actually looks like he's doing something. He had a great time during the game and talked like he did something great. His favorite part was the snacks afterward. I think that's what will keep him going back.
Mikaela did great. She ran the whole time -- usually behind the pack -- but she was there. For her first game ever she did pretty good. I have high hopes for her. It's only a few steps from the back of the pack to actually going after the ball. She smiled the entire game.
Abigail is definitely her mother's daughter. She said she wanted to play and she does great when she's here playing with the neighborhood kids. When she got out to the field she literally stood in one spot with her hands behind her back and refused to even look at the ball or move her feet. (this makes me think back to when I was in 5th grade and would tell the kid guarding me on the b-ball court not to worry about it 'cause I wasn't moving anywhere.) The coach ended up passing her off to his wife and she kicked the ball around with her for a few minutes. When she got back on the field she actually ran with the pack. It was so nice to see her move and gave me hope that she would not turn out like her mother. She told me later that she decided to run but not kick the ball. That's alright with me. She missed her first practice so tomorrow will be the first one she attends. I think attending practices will make all the difference in the world to her.
I'm going to put up a picture of all of them -- Mikaela and Abigail where the same color but are not on the same team. I'll put the rest on Facebook -- I don't know how to do slide shows on blogger. If someone would give me some instructions that would be great.
Love to you all,