Wow, it's been a long time since my last post. Lots has happened . . .
Abigail lost her two front teeth this week -- both of them at the same time. They've been loose for a while now but she really didn't want us to pull them and I really didn't want to hear her scream . . . The story: the rest of her class was leaving to go to Chapel (she had been in the bathroom trying to clean her desk) and thought she had seen everyone leave the room -- then as she turned the corner she ran into "the tallest boy in the class" who was holding his song book on his stomach. She ran into the songbook with her face, bounced back onto the floor (and managed to hit her head) and her teeth flew out of her mouth. The kids ran to get the teacher (apparently there was lots of blood) and she took care of her and sent her to the office. They called me and I was able to give her a little TLC. Poor boy -- can you imagine how he must have felt? At least she has a good story to tell -- how many people get their two front teeth knocked out by a hymnal? Luke has been pretty impressed by the whole thing. He tells everyone one he sees (literally) that she lost her teeth -- I'm guessing he didn't realize that teeth come out.
Other things that have happened since December . . .
Christmas and Hanukkah went well. I didn't get to do all the activities that I wanted but still managed to go to several (enough) parties and stay busy enough. We made our own Menorah and I found it to be very relaxing to watch.
Jason got a new job!!! We are so blessed and excited. He is now working in Ft. Worth and driving 15 minutes instead of the hour that he used to drive. He's back in machining which seems to be a Brown thing. It's a Christian company and he's really enjoying himself. He is going to continue to work at UPS for a while longer since they have insurance (there is a 90 day waiting period at Anchor.) So, he's still working the same amount of hours but definitely with better perks.
Chloe started walking a few weeks ago. She's so cute -- she acts like she's done it all her life.
We found out that two people we love very much (Phillip and Lindsay) are moving to Ft. Worth this summer. We are so excited and can't wait for them to get here.
Mikaela got into St. Paul -- so she will be attending Kindergarten there next year. There was a good chance that she was not going to get in based on their PK numbers but it all worked out. I was able to purchase several pieces for her uniform for only $5 each. She's going to love it.
I'm still busy. I finished reading In My Father's House The Years Before the Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom and took a little break and am now working on Who is the Bride of Christ by Eddie Chummney. Interesting. I'm also starting over in the NT which is always fun -- I think I've got a handle on it and then I'll come across something that I forgot was there. My friend, Vicki, is going to teach me to knit. I'm really looking forward to it. She is a weaver (has a loom in her garage) and a true artist. I'll have a good teacher.
Sorry it took so long to post again -- things happen and I think, "I've got to let people know about that" and then mommy things happen and I don't get around to it (or I just end up reading other people's blogs instead.)
Love to you all!